【职务】资产与实验室管理处 副处长
2019.01-至今 绍兴文理学院,平博国际体育官网,教授,硕士生导师
2015.09-2016.03 美国新泽西理工学院 访问学者
2013.11-2018.11 绍兴文理学院,平博国际体育官网,副教授,硕士生导师
2009.07-2013.11 绍兴文理学院,平博国际体育官网,讲师
2004.09-2009.06 浙江大学,催化研究所, 硕博连读(导师:周仁贤教授)
1999.09-2003.06 河北大学,化学与环境科学学院,学士
1. 2016-2020,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:功能化无机复合柱撑粘土吸附-脱附-催化燃烧VOCs性能与机理研究(编号21577094),已结题
1. Zhuo Wang,Kaiyuan Xie, Jie Zheng, Shufeng Zuo, Studies of sulfur poisoning process via ammonium sulfate on MnO2/γ-Al2O3 catalyst for catalytic combustion of toluene, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 298: 120595.
2. Jie Zheng, Zhuo Wang, Zhu Chen, Shufeng Zuo, Mechanism of CeO2 synthesized by thermal decomposition of Ce-MOF and its performance of benzene catalytic combustion, Journal of Rare Earths, 2021, 39: 790-796.
3. Zhen Cheng, Binbin Feng, Zhu Chen, Jie Zheng, Jing Li, Shufeng Zuo, La2O3 modified silica-pillared clays supported PtOx nanocrystalline catalysts for catalytic combustion of benzene, Chemical Engineering Journal, 392, 2020, 15: 123747.
4. Peng Yang, Jing Li, Linfa Bao, Xiang Zhou, Xiuwen Zhang, Shaokang Fan, Zhenyang Chen, Shufeng Zuo, Chenze Qi, Adsorption/catalytic combustion of toxic 1,2-dichloroethane on multifunctional Nb2O5-TiO2 composite metal oxides, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 361: 1400-1410.
5. Zhu Chen, Jing Li, Peng Yang, Zhen Cheng, Jingrong, Li, Shufeng Zuo, Ce-modified mesoporous γ-Al2O3 supported Pd-Pt nanoparticle catalysts and their structure-function relationship in complete benzene oxidation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 356: 255-261.
6. Na Ye, Yan Li, Zhen Yang, Jie Zheng, Shufeng Zuo, Rare earth modified kaolin-based Cr2O3 catalysts for catalytic combustion of chlorobenzene, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2019, 579: 44-51.
7. Peng Yang, Shaokang Fan, Zhenyang Chen, Guofang Bao, Shufeng Zuo, Chenze Qi, Synthesis of Nb2O5 based solid superacid materials for catalytic combustion of chlorinated VOCs, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 239: 114-124.
8. Zhen Cheng, Zhu Chen, Jingrong Li, Shufeng Zuo, Peng Yang, Mesoporous silica-pillared clays supported nanosized Co3O4-CeO2 for catalytic combustion of toluene, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 459: 32-39.
9. Zhu Chen, Jingrong Li, Zhen Cheng, Shufeng Zuo, Well-defined and highly stable AlNi composite pillared clay supported PdOx nanocrystal catalysts for catalytic combustion of benzene, Applied Clay Science, 2018, 163: 227-234.
10. Jingrong Li, Maocong Hu, Shufeng Zuo, Xianqi Wang, Catalytic combustion of volatile organic compounds on pillared interlayered clay (PILC)-based catalysts, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2018, 20: 93-98.
1. 左树锋; 稀土-多孔材料的组装及其对有机废气催化消除的研究, 2016年挥发性有机物高峰论坛 暨挥发性有机物污染防治专业委员会 第四届学术年会, 河北省石家庄市, 2016-8-20至2016-8-21. (会议报告)
2. 左树锋; 稀土-多孔材料负载金属纳米晶催化剂上VOCs催化燃烧性能的研究, 第二届全国能源与环境科技学术会议, 北京市, 2018-4-6至2018-4-8. (会议报告)
3. 左树锋; 负载型纳米晶金属催化剂的制备及其用于VOCs催化燃烧的研究, 第十届全国催化剂制备科学与技术研讨会, 四川省成都市, 2018-11-30至2018-12-03. (会议报告)
4. 左树锋; 谈谈我与催化燃烧 VOCs 的渊源及对自身研发成果应用前景的思考, VOCs 污染控制青年研讨会(在线), 在线, 2020-5-17至2020-5-17. (会议报告)
5. 左树锋; 热分解Ce-MOF制备介孔CeO2及其用于苯催化燃烧性能的研究, 中国稀土学会2020学术年会暨江西(赣州)稀土资源绿色开发与高效利用大会, 江西省赣州市, 2020-10-19至2020-10-21. (会议报告)
6. 2020-11-30至2020-12-1, 举办中国环境科学学会挥发性有机物污染防治专委会第八届学术年会, 浙江省绍兴市, 华南理工大学、中国环境科学学会挥发性有机物污染防治专委会、绍兴市人民政府, 叶代启、吴军良、左树锋(代表绍兴文理学院承办方). (举办或参加学术会议)